
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Bitter Sweet...

    Scout will be 11 weeks old tomorrow...she is growing SO FAST! I go back to work on Monday and I am not looking forward to leaving my baby girl all day. I have enjoyed being home with her so much and getting to see all her expressions and taking care of her all day. Monday will be hard. I will be a wreck. I am sure she will do fine at her daycare but it's just the idea of leaving her. Ughh....I need to stop before I start crying.
   Scout is doing wonderful! She is smiling a lot and starting to laugh a little too. She is very happy in the mornings and typically I put her in bed with me when Kris leaves for work and we talk and she goos and smiles at me and the ceiling fan :) I love mornings with her!  She is very active too...she is constantly kicking her legs and she gets bored in the same position for too long. We think she is going to be quite the character! She will definitely let you know when she is annoyed or unhappy. We are having so much fun with her and she is a really good baby! She sleeps through the night sometimes but some nights she wakes up around 2 or 3 because she is wet or hungry and then she goes right back to sleep. She is precious and more perfect than we could have ever imagined she would be. I am sure all parents say that....but we truly feel blessed to have such a beautiful, healthy baby girl!
    Last week I took Scout to TN for a quick trip to see my family one more time before I go back to work. We had a great trip and Scout did wonderful on the plane. On the way there she slept half the flight and the rest of the flight took a bottle and smiled at me and other people sitting around us. She definitely got a lot of attention and we got stopped several times on our journey to TN because people wanted to look at her. On the flight home Monday night we had a whole row to ourselves and she slept the entire way. I have to admit I was a little surprised she did so well. She is a really good baby, but she can get mad sometimes. She didn't cry one time on either flight so I was very thankful for that. Once we got to TN we spent the weekend just hanging out with family. Scout finally got to meet my dear friend Molly. We had lunch at the Farmhouse with Mom, Jana, Grandparents, and Aunt Sherry and Uncle Danny. Love that place! We went to see my cousin Crystal's baby girl that was born 2 weeks ago. Laynie May is her name and she is the second girl born in a line of 14 boys in the Willis family. Scout and Laynie will have lots of protective boys to look out for them thats for sure! Although something tells me they will end up being the boss :)  We also got to go watch part of Eli's baseball game on Saturday and had dinner over at Jenny and Andy's. Sunday we went to church and then my Granny fixed us lunch. After lunch Eli and I threw baseball for over an hour and then Cameron decided he wanted to play so that was interesting. The glove was way too big for his hand! He tried though! The weather was awesome on Sunday! Cameron is talking a lot more now and I had a lot of fun with him while I was there. He is very independent, especially when it comes to opening things, dressing, and undressing himself. Everything is "I do it" or "I get it"...and for the majority of the weekend his shoes were on the wrong foot and his shirt was on backwards. He is also a little daredevil. One day when we were on the porch he jumped from the top step of the porch to the sidewalk below...4 steps....landed on his feet and then looked at me and smiled. Then a few minutes later he did it again. I don't think I could even do that now! He tries to walk around in my Dad's cowboy boots which is hilarious! He is definitely all boy. He was very sweet to Scout though and I got some really cute pictures and a video of him.  (there is a video on the blog post below this one).Considering he is only three he does a good job with her. He and Aden are growing so fast and I just love getting to spend time with them! They are the such sweet nephews!
     It was of course hard to leave on Monday. My Mom and Dad both cried at the airport. My Dad rocked Scout to sleep every night and my Mom fed and bathed her pretty much every day we were there and they had a hard time saying goodbye. It's always hard, but a baby makes it even harder. I don't know for sure when I will get to go back to visit. One of my friends that I graduated high school with is an actress and is performing in "To Kill a Mockingbird" at TPAC October 2-23 in honor of the 50th anniversary of the book. I would love to get to go back to see that. It would be very special to me since I named my daughter after the character Scout Finch from the book, and even more so that a very special friend of mine is one of the main characters in the play. I don't know that I will get back there that soon though. Flights are pretty expensive! Oh well...we will see I guess.  I was happy to see Kris when we got home because we missed each other a lot and he definitely missed Scout. Five days is a long time to go without seeing her. It was also nice to come home to a clean house thanks to my wonderful husband! :)  The rest of this week has been pretty low key. I am just trying to savor every moment I have left of maternity leave. This weekend is the Texas/OU game so I know what we will be doing on Saturday! I hope it isn't too ugly.Other than that we will go to church and try to make some plans for Kamden's 10th birthday that is coming up on the 16th! Crazy...he will be a teenager soon! Anyway say a prayer for me on Monday!  Below are some recent pics. Goodnight All!

Dear Scout, 
The last 11 weeks have been amazing! You have been such a blessing to our family and I love being your Mommy. Your smile melts my heart and I just want to hold and kiss you all the time! I am sad I have to leave you to go back to work on Monday. This is going to be a hard day for me but I know you will be okay. Just know I will miss you terribly and as soon as I can I will be there to pick you up and wrap you in my arms. You are so special and I thank God every day that we have you in our life! 


Monday, September 20, 2010

One year ago today...

  Kris and I were living it up in Jamaica on our honeymoon! Ahhh...looking at the photos makes me want to be there now...
   I can't believe a year has come and gone SO FAST! And what a year it has been! We never planned on having a baby within the first year of our marriage but we are very thankful and blessed to have such a perfect little angel! It's been a crazy year but a wonderful one! Saturday night Kris took me to Bobs Steakhouse to celebrate our one year anniversary. The food was incredible!!!!  (It should be considering how much our bill was :) ) We were going to go on a trip to some where exotic for our one year anniversary but instead we have a very adorable  9 week old baby girl!
   Scout is doing great! Today she weighed 9 lbs and 13 ounces and is 23 inches long. It seems as though she is going to be tall and thin considering she is 75% for height and 25% for weight!  (She does not get that from me.)  She is such a sweet baby...she is starting to smile a lot and every time she does I just melt! She is also very opinionated and has quite the temper at times! I think that just means she is going to be a very strong least that is what I tell myself when she is hyperventilating from screaming so hard :) The majority of the time she is very sweet and just enjoys looking around and kicking her legs. She is very active to be so small. I have also discovered she loves music! She likes her musical animals and toys...and the other day I had my ipod playing while I was cleaning out her closet and she was laying on a blanket in the floor. She was just smiling and kicking her legs! In particular she liked the Black Eyed Peas, The Temper Trap,  and (ok...don't judge)...Ludacris. :) I got some of her "moves" on video. I just love her more and more everyday! She is a sweet, sweet girl and I love her so much! I will update more later but for now I will just add some recent pictures of her. This blog has been so wonderful for my family that do not get to see her very often. It is a good way for them to watch her grow and find out what is going on with her and us. It makes me feel better knowing that even though I can not see everyone I would like to very often...they can still be apart of our life. I hope you all enjoy the pictures and are having a great Monday!!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

7 weeks old...

  Scout is growing so fast!!! I really do want to freeze time sometimes. I just love her so much and she is starting to get more personality every day. I think she is going to  be pretty feisty. She definitely knows what she wants and when she wants it. She won't sit in a wet diaper for more than five minutes so that keeps us very busy! She also fights sleep a lot. At night she gets real aggravated because she is so sleepy but doesn't want to go to sleep. :) She loves her bath at night now...I think she would sit in her bath for as long as we would let her. She has discovered her reflection in the mirror and will stare at herself for a long time. She has also started smiling a lot...especially in the mornings and every time I see her smile my heart just melts...I love it! She loves to have her cheeks kissed which is good because I kiss them a lot! Over all she is doing really well and I am loving being a Mommy. It's not an easy job...but it is so worth it! Every time I look at her I fall more in love with her!
  Labor Day weekend was good. On Saturday we went to Aunt Mandi's to watch the Longhorns play and Scout got to meet baby Jordan, her birthday twin. Jordan is Meri and Adam's baby boy and he was born about an hour after Scout. Adam and Kris have been really good friends since college so it's pretty neat that they had babies born on the same day. We got lots of really cute pictures! Sunday we went to church and then Me, Kris, Kamden, April, and Ryan went to play TopGolf in Dallas and had a lot of fun! The weather felt awesome!  On Saturday morning my Great-Aunt Martha "Bobbie" Grimes passed away. She was one of the sweetest ladies ever! She always had nice things to say and she was a very spunky lady :) Up until recently she still lived at home by herself. My Uncle Raymond passed away many years ago. She had been living with her son for the last several months because she got sick and then fell a while back and just never recovered from it. I will always remember her sweet face and sweet smile. When we took Scout to TN a few weeks ago I had planned to take her to see Aunt Bobbie but the day we were going to go it was pouring down rain so I figured I would take her when we are back in a couple of weeks. I really wanted to get her picture made with her Great Great Aunt! Now I will never get that chance. I so wish we would have made it to see her while we had the chance. I will never forgive myself for that. She is in Heaven now though and not in any pain.  I have been so blessed to have many great women in my life. I had two Great-Grandmothers up until I was 22 years old...they died in the same year. Both were wonderful Christian women and had a lot of personality! Two years after they died my Great-Grandfather died on Christmas Day. That was his favorite day of the year and we would always go over to his house Christmas morning with my Dad's family and spend time with him. The morning he died his daughter found him on the front porch in his Christmas tie and suspenders he always wore on Christmas Day. He was also a wonderful man and I am so grateful we had him for so many years and he never slowed down :) Most people don't get to know many "Greats" so I feel blessed to have had the chance. I am also thankful that Scout has four Great-Grandmothers and three Great-Grandfathers!!! That is wonderful and not exactly the norm these days...I am very thankful she has them in her life and they have all gotten to meet her. Anyway...just wanted to share that. Rest in Peace Aunt Bobbie!
 Below are some recent pictures I thought I would share.I have a really cute video of Scout smiling in her crib but I am having trouble getting it to upload. I will keep trying... Hope everyone is having a great week so far despite all the rain! :)

The last quilt my Great-Grandmother Grimes made...

Scout's Game Face!
Scout's boyfriend, Jordan :)

Big Brother Kamden