
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tis the be BUSY!

        Hey everyone! The above video is of the boys on Thanksgiving wrestling in the front yard at my Grandparents house. The funniest part is at the end when Lucas ( he is 2) decides to join in...well...sort of. :) Anyway...we had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We left on Monday night at around 8 and arrived at my parents house at 5 a.m. Scout slept the whole way...she was aweseome! We had a great time while we were there. Scout was all smiles and she is laughing a lot now so that was fun for everyone. On Tuesday I picked Cameron up from day school and got to spend some one on one time with him for a bit. He is talking a ton now and is really excited about Christmas. So much so, that pretty much everything he talks about is related to Santa Claus or snowmen. Kris and I got to have a date day on Wednesday. We went to Franklin to tour Carnton Plantation. We had both been wanting to do that for quite sometime. There is a lot of  really cool and unfortunate history there. It was used as a hospital unexpectedly during the Civil War. Five of the bloodiest hours of the Civil War took place on this property. There are still blood stains in the wood floors throughout the house. It is crazy to imagine what life was like back then. So we took the tour and then went and ate at the Country Boy in Leiper's Fork. The food was SO GOOD!!!! Thanksgiving was wonderful...we got to see lots of cousins that I have not gotten to see in a while...and we spent the day with my Dads side of the family and the evening and night with my Moms side. It was a great day...and we ate way  too much! Friday we went to Opryland Hotel to look at the Christmas lights and see Santa. Scout and Aden did really well. They just looked at crying. Cameron told Santa what he wanted for Christmas and then continued to cut line 3 more times to get on stage and talk to Santa....the boy loves him some Santa Claus! Saturday we went to visit our friends Troy and Angie Parks and their boys. This past week marked the one year anniversary of Troys accident. ( he fell out of a deer stand and is paralyzed from the shoulders down) To have been through such a hard year and to have their life completely changed...they have the best attitude and are always the same. I am sure they just take each day as it comes and makes the best of it...but I am truly humbled by there attitude and endurance. Please continue to keep them in your prayers.  They are an awesome family!
     Sunday we hit the road back to Texas after lunch. We stopped at Starbucks in Memphis to see Kevin and Becky for a little while and we managed to make it home by 11 pm. Scout did great on the way back too...she slept a little and played with some of her toys. So far she is a really good traveler. I hope she stays that way. She is changing so much. At her last appointment last week she weighed 11 pounds and 12 ounces and is 23 and half inches long. She is in the 10 percentile for weight :)....I swear she is getting chubbier though...and she will sometimes take an 8 ounce bottle. She is so awesome and we always get stopped by strangers who want to comment on her. She is a really great baby.
      This week has been very busy!!! This time of year is pretty much the busiest time of year for healthcare.On top of the long list of Christmas is very busy!  I finally unpacked my suitcase from TN tonight. We have family pictures on Saturday morning and then I hope to begin Christmas shopping. I guess thats it for now. Hope everyone is doing well! I posted some videos of Scout below. I couldn't figure out how to add them all on the same blog post. They are REALLY cute! I am biased...but still. Enjoy the photos!


Carnton Plantation

 Monuments of soldiers who were killed from each state. Kris and I thought it was interesting that Tennessee and Texas were side by side :)

                                                      Aden was so excited to see Scout!!!



We tried to get a picture
of all the great-grandchildren.We
were only missing Kamden,
Anna Grace and Kaleb. It
was not an easy task getting
them to all cooperate at the
same time and there is
not a single picture where there
 is not someone crying or
looking away but we tried....
they will thank us one day....maybe...:)

From the top: Eric and Scout, Tori and Aden,
Ragen and Laynie, Chandler and Noah, Kara Beth
and Jaxon, Brad and Jennifer, Dakota, Josie and
Austin, Canaan, Isaac, Amber, Lucas, Jaylon,
Eli, Pryce, Cameron, Bryce, Brittany


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