
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Another post I started and never finished...

  Between work, getting the house in order, and just being completely exhausted by the end of the day I have completely neglected blogging. I just haven't had the energy.  I started a blog about Scout after her 2nd birthday and I never got around to finishing it so here it is...


    When I was pregnant with Scout I imagined so many different things about her and her personality. What would she look like? What would she act like? Would she have brown eyes or blue?...olive skin or light skin?...blonde hair or brown?...There are so many combinations of looks in both Kris and my family that I didn't know what to expect. Then I also wondered what her personality would be like. I guess when your pregnant you let yourself wonder about all the different possibilities for you child. Of course there is also the fear that comes with being responsible for a little life and trying to mold he/she in to their best possible self.
 No one can ever fully and completely explain the overflowing amount of love you feel when your child is born. You can try...but until you actually experience it there are just no words. It's amazing. One of God's greatest gifts for sure! I think it's even more overwhelming for the Daddy's because they truly are meeting their little one for the first time. As a Mom we develop a bond from the moment we first feel the little life inside us move. We get to experience a relationship with our children before they are born that Dad's don't. I didn't  get to see Kris's face the first time he laid eyes on Scout. She had a bit of a dramatic birth and her heart rate dropped really low so as soon as she came out they rushed her to the corner of the room where they had a team of nurses checking on her and making sure she was ok. Kris followed them with the camera and I could only hear their mumbles in the corner when  I shouted across the room "is she ok?"  I remember him answering back.."she's perfect." Shortly after that I heard her precious little voice for the first time. I do wish I could have seen his face but it was a crazy couple minutes (seemed longer at the time) after she was born. There is definitely no feeling in the world that is parallel to seeing your baby for the very first time!

   The last two years with Scout have been so much fun. She makes us laugh all the time. Her vocabulary has gone from a few words and sentences to full blown conversations in just the last couple months. She has so much personality and energy!  Oh how she has the energy!!! Wow! She literally moves all the time. She has several different shows she likes to watch but she doesn't really sit and watch...she dances, jumps off the couch ..paces back and forth...all while watching her shows. I think it's safe to say she is not a lazy child. She loves helping Kris in the yard which is super cute! If he pulls weeds out of our flower bed she takes a hand full in each hand and piles them up in the driveway to be thrown away, and she gets mad when he is done and there is nothing left for her to help with. She loves to run and and she is pretty darn fast! She also loves to play ball. Her favorite thing to do is kick the ball or play "hoccer"  ( I don't know why she doesn't pronounce the "S" because she can say it correctly ..but whatever..."hoccer" it is) .  She loves to play with her animals and her baby dolls too.  She also likes to very creatively dress herself in the princess costumes that her friend Amelia got her for her birthday...and by creatively I mean she puts three dresses on at once. I guess she likes the layered look.  She says "Look Mom! I a pretty princess!"  She also likes to play with her blocks and wants me or her Dad to always build with her, however she likes to knock our blocks over when we are done and then she does her evil laugh.  Lately when she does that I pretend to be very sad and put my face in my hands and she comes over and says "you ok Mom? You ok?  Here, give me a hug"  and then she hugs me and says  "All better now Mom?" I don't know why but this makes me laugh every time. At least she can be remorseful right? 
   She knows almost all her animals, colors, and shapes. She can also count to 20 now. She can say her ABC's although her pronunciation of some of the letters isn't great, but we are getting there. She definitely has the tune down though! She sings all the time now which is greatness!  She sings songs from some of the shows she watches and she also sings a few songs in Spanish that she has learned in school .Every day she says or does something new. It's a lot of fun! Not that it's all roses and sweetness though. Toddlers are challenging as any mom or teacher can attest to. The whole possession thing can be exhausting. Scout is getting better at sharing, but she thinks everything is hers most of the time. She also has a temper sometimes and she has a relentless idea that we need to always do things her way.'s not always fun I guess...but for the most part she is really sweet. I just love her so much and I thank God every day for such a wonderful little girl! Thank you for an amazing first two years sunshine! I love being your Momma! :)

When we went to Tennessee last month (another post to come)  a sweet friend and photographer there took Scout's 2 year portraits. She did an amazing job! For whatever reason Scout was feeling very cooperative that day and she did really well being still and even smiling. I couldn't believe it! Usually she is much too busy to stop for pictures, but on this day she did great!  Thank you again Jennifer!

 I have a few more blog to finish that I will post later. Until then, hope everyone is having a great week!