~ Josh Billings
Well...we are making it. One sleepless night at a time I guess. The twins are almost 3 months old. It's been a crazy 3 months to say the least. The exhaustion that comes with having twins is an exhaustion that only other parents with twins could understand. I used to think I understood. Before the twins were born I only thought I knew how hard it would be. I only thought I knew how tired I would be. Ha! You definitely don't know until you have done it first hand. I love these two little blessings more than I could ever put in to words, but I'm tired. I operate entirely on coffee and adrenaline 90% of the time. Is it getting easier?? Well...I wouldn't say easier...but we are definitely at least beginning to get the hang of things. I sincerely can not imagine how anyone with a larger set of multiples manages without completely losing all sanity. Despite how completely draining it is or how completely not together I am most days...I am so thankful I get to be these two little miracles Mommy.
He is a handsome little devil isn't he? Colton has a cry that could wake up the dead. We joke that he sounds like a baby pterodactyl. If he needs something he will definitely get your attention. He loves to snuggle and his absolute favorite place to sleep is right up under my arm . I love how he can be screaming and I can lay him next to me and it calms him down. (usually) He loves his bath and would probably lay in his bath water for as long as we would let him. He loves to look around and starts smiling and kicking when Mickey Mouse is on in the mornings. He has this sweet little devilish grin that I adore! I think he is going to be a lot of fun. He just has this very demanding personality it seems, which is not what I expected at all. He can be very mellow, but he can go from mellow to ear piercing yelps in no time! He doesn't cry a lot...thank goodness! But when he does it's not something you will soon forget! I am so thankful God blessed me with a son though. I just love this little man!!
Abby is my little sweet cheeks! She has the most kissable cheeks ever! Abby loves to be held and she is definitely a snuggler. She is pretty laid back until about 9 pm and then she fights sleep like no other! She can be so hard to get to sleep at night but once she is out...she sleeps for 6-8 hours. Colton hasn't figured that out just yet. He still gets up every 3-4 hours at night and thinks he is starving to death . :) Abby wakes up in the best mood in the mornings. She grins so big in the mornings and has just recently started to laugh a little. I love it! She grins with her tongue sticking out and it's so cute!! Abby also loves her bath! Abby looks a lot like Scout I think. Sometimes Colton does too which is weird because I don't think Abby and Colton look a like at all. I think Colton has eyes like Scout and Abby has Scout's mouth for sure. I hope her and Scout grow up to be very close. I am thankful she is going to have a sister to bond with. Sisters are very special! Abby and Colton are both bigger than Scout was at this age. Two pounds bigger to be exact. Hard to believe they were premature.
I have a lot more to catch up on. I just went back to work a week ago and I also had knee surgery a week ago. More to come about that. We also have a Nanny and so far it is going really well. Rocio is her name, and she is wonderful with our kids. Getting a Nanny was something I wasn't completely comfortable with at first but so far it is going well. Kris and I are learning as we go and we grow more and more in love with these two precious babies every day. It has most definitely been a learning experience to say the least. I am so thankful I have such a wonderful man to raise our children with. I give Kris a hard time because he is such a deep sleeper and often sleeps through crying in the middle of the night, but he really is a wonderful Dad despite that. He comes home in the evenings and is quick to take over as much as he can. He helps with dinner, baths, and bedtime. It's a circus sometimes but we manage to get it done usually with a smile on our face. (usually :) I made the comment last night about how my knee recovery was completely wrecking my plan to get in killer shape by May 1st which Kris quickly responds "when are you going to learn not to make plans...our life doesn't operate on plans...it never has." True.
Our past 3 months in some photographs: More to come!!
Our "Twin" Newborn Photographer, Mandy and her sister Sam |
Colton and Abby's first day to go to church |
Play date with Stock |
April and the twins |
Great-Grandfather, Papa Les |
Ryan and Colton |
Our Life |
Scout had a cupcake party her last day at school |
Hanging out with cousin Maddox |
She can be a bit bossy :) |
Daddy Mike and Colton |