
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Good News!

  Scout's blood work that we had done last week came normal for her thyroid! We are still waiting on the PKU results but since her thyroid levels were normal the PKU results should also come back normal.(we hope) We were definitely relieved to get a good report back. I just wanted to know something because if the thyroid test were to have come back abnormal than we would need to start her on medication asap in order to prevent future developmental problems. Thank you for all the prayers!!!
  I am so enjoying being at home with her! She is doing really well. She rarely ever cries but when she does it is with purpose :) She loves to snuggle! I love watching her after she eats because she grins so big in her sleep. It's pretty hilarious! We have been out of the house a couple times. On Friday Kris and I took her to dinner and then we walked around the mall for a little while. On Sunday we took her to church for the first time. She did great!!!  So far this week her and I have just been hanging out in the house. It is sooo HOT!!!! I will probably take her out later in the week but today it is 105 degrees outside so we may just stay put. It's too hot to do anything! I have gotten a lot done though. I cleaned the house, and cleaned out my closet so I feel pretty productive. Time is already going by so fast and it kind of makes me sad! I know I will be going back to work before too long and that is going to be hard. I miss her just thinking about it. I think we are really going to like her childcare though and it is right by our house so thats really good. I will post more about it later on. Hope everyone is doing well and staying cool! Later!


  1. Awww..I love the orange outfit one. Those shoe socks are too cute! I love Vince's. So glad everything turned out fine so far. :)

  2. Jill, She is just too too precious, and I cannot wait to see you guys again! And I am jealous that Aunt Mandi got to spend time with y'all last night! Ha! Ha!
    She is a perfect combination of you and Kris!
    Love you guys!

  3. Such sweet pictures. I can't wait to hold her again. She's so tiny! I love the picture of her wearing the gown from the Cooks. Hurry and come see us.
