
Friday, February 10, 2012

It's been a whille

  I have been MIA for over a month now. I just haven't had the motivation to blog. Things are great in the Akens household. We have been busy working on getting the house like we want it. This is going to be a long process...unless we win the lottery or something...but we are getting there. We really like our new house and the extra space is really nice for our busy, busy little lady!
    Speaking of Scout...oh my...where do I begin!!! She will be 19 months old next week. I can't believe it! I feel like her "baby days" came and went in the blink of an eye. Our friends Melissa and Stuart came over for Super Bowl Sunday this past week with their little girl Amelia who will be turning two next month. Crazy! Just talking about Amelia's second birthday coming up makes me realize that Scout will be two before we know it! Time is a funny thing I tell ya! When your young you want time to speed up and then as you get older the more you want it to slow down. The older I get the  more I try to soak in every single moment.  Scout's personality is evolving more and more everyday. She is talking more and she is quite the dancer and climber. She has no fear! none. A few weeks ago when it was warm I took her to the park for the first time since she was a small baby. I want you to know that from the minute we got to the playground area, not once did she look behind her to make sure I was following her. She went up the ramp to the big slide and went down it like it was nothing and then went back around for more. At one point there were a couple of boys playing some kind of a game. They looked like they were about eight years old. One of the boys was blocking the entrance to the ramp to get to the slide. Scout squeezed in between him and pushed him aside with her little butt and grunted, leaving me to apologize to the boy for her rudeness. He thought it was pretty funny. Seriously...she thinks she is so much bigger than she is. After she went down the slide several times she got on the swing for a bit and then walked towards the parking lot. I said "Scout, are you ready to go home now?" and she said "yea". So we went home. What can I say. The girl knows what she wants. We had been there for almost an hour so I was fine leaving.
      She also loves to dance and she gets very wrapped up in Dora and it's hilarious! She gets so mad when Swiper tries to swipe something and when Dora asked questions to the audience she tries to answer. It's mostly gibberish but it's really funny. One of my favorite things she does is her "funny face" . She will do it on command now and it cracks us up. She basically just holds her breath with her bottom lip out and then tilts her head to the side. She thinks its hilarious! I also love picking her up from school or coming home and she always runs to me yelling "mooommmma" and gives me a big hug and a nice snotty kiss :)  I love it!!!  She also has a temper at times and she likes to bang her head on the floor and/or couch when she doesn't get her way. That, I don't love so much but I guess it is better then the classic screaming and kicking that most toddlers do...but it is still pretty annoying.  She is still  petite. At her 18 month appointment she weighed 22 pounds and 7 ounces. I can't remember her exact height, but she is 10% on weight and 50 % on height. Dr. Wallace said she is growing at the same pace she always has and she looks great! She didn't hear her heart murmur this time . She said that it will likely come and go and she may eventually grow out of it all together.  All and all she is doing great and is in to anything and everything. 

She is fascinated with emptying out all the drawers she can reach in my jewelry box. And she also likes to go in our closet and pile up all our shoes in the bathroom floor. It's a bit odd, but she for some reason thinks they should be arranged that way.  So at least once a week I forget to close the closet door and have to clean up a mass pile of all our shoes. :)

Here are some recent pictures and I also added some really cute videos in older posts below.
I want to also say Congrats to Lana and Josh on the upcoming arrival of a baby boy and also Kevin and Becky on their little boy! Both due in June! Also my sister Jana is expecting and she is due in August!!! So excited! babies , babies, babies!!!

We also do a lot of pretend cooking ....

and pretend taste testing :)

She loves tomatoes just like her Mommy :)

She loves to feed all her babies too. 

Our trip to the park :)

Skipping :)

She loves her Daddy

Soaking up the January Sun

My Sunshine :)

 A few weeks ago our friends Ryan and April and their
 adorable son, Stock, came over for dinner .
He is so precious!!! LOVE HIM!

Practicing her best pouting face :)

So I bought Scout these cute cowgirl boots several months
 ago and they were supposed to be a Christmas gift but I
stuck them in her closet and totally forgot about them until
I was cleaning the other day.They squeak when she walks.
 I am definitely having one of those "what were you thinking
 moments" but she thinks they are pretty stinking fantastic
and marches all over the house in them while watching her feet :)
She also runs in to the wall a lot.

Pre-haircut her hair was long enough for braids :)


Braids :)

We love to color

Sporting the boots yet again with her pj's :)

First haircut : She would have totally rocked the 80's with that do.

Business in the in the back!

She was less than thrilled

Last weekend Kamden got his black belt in karate! He did great!!

Congrats Kamden!!!!

And this is what you call perfect camera timing :)
She gets really excited when she sees him !

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