
Sunday, October 24, 2010


 Least weekend was a very busy one! On Friday night Kris, Scout and I went to a wedding of one of my colleagues, Darla, in Fort Worth. It was a lovely wedding and Scout did great! She got lots of attention of course, and was in a good mood even though we were out way past her typical bed time. Then on Saturday we celebrated Kamden's 10th birthday at our house with lots of friends and family. Kamden got lots of cool gifts! We watched the Texas/Nebraska game and played with babies. After the party we went to play mini golf in Dallas and then out to dinner. It was a great weekend! By Sunday I was beat! This weekend was kind of a lazy one. I have been a little under the weather and completely lost my voice today. Last night we went to Mandi's and had an awesome dinner....but other than that we have just been taking it easy and watching football. I am hoping I get my voice back in time for work in the morning. Not being able to talk is so frustrating and exhausting! Especially when you have a 3 month old that loves to be talked to. She has been looking at me funny all day with those eyebrows of hers wondering why I sound so funny I'm sure. :)
   Scout is doing great! She is getting more and more personality every day. She will laugh out loud on occasion now but I still haven't quite figured out what does it. She smiles all the time (especially in the mornings) but her belly laughs are a random occurrence, but any time she does it I get real excited! Maybe that's why she doesn't do it much...she probably thinks I am crazy :).  She is doing great at The Kidd Academy and they LOVE her there! It is really hard leaving her at any time but each week I feel better about it knowing she is getting good care. Of isn't me or other family...but all things considered we are happy with it. It is also less than a mile from our house so that is nice. Scout definitely loves music....she gets excited when I sing to her and tries to sing's really funny. When there is music playing she kicks her legs just as fast as she can! She is definitely an active baby. She has also recently noticed the TV more. She loves the movie "Finding Nemo"...we watched that twice last week. I guess it's the music and bright colors...but it definitely gets her attention now. She has also started to notice Knox more and will watch him if he is moving around or playing with his toys. I think they will eventually be great friends. Already now Knox will go get in his bed whenever we put her done for that night. I guess he thinks that since it's her bedtime it's his too! He wants to be the baby too still :) I will leave you with some recent pictures and will add Halloween pictures after next week . Scout is going to be a baby elephant and her costume is pretty funny! Anyway.. good night all and have a great week!

 Cheering on our Titans!!!!

Trying out the new air rocket!

All dressed up for the wedding with her handsome Daddy :)

 Playing Frisbee with Daddy and Knox...

Staying true to her roots!  :) 

1 comment:

  1. Love the Johhny Cash onesie! SO cute. She's really starting to develop a little personality. Thanks to you, too, for being so great to Kamden! We love you for lots of reasons, but how you love and care for Kam is definitely one of them.
