
Friday, May 7, 2010

Quick update...and shout out to TENNESSEE! :)

Hello everyone! I went back to the Doctor on Wednesday. Everything looks great! Her heartbeat is great and my Doctor thinks she is head down right now. We will do another ultra sound in two weeks because the last one indicated that my placenta was too low. Typically when this happens, it will move up as the baby grows and there is no problem. If it has not moved, however, I will have to have a C-section most likely. Also, my last blood work indicated I am anemic so I have been taking iron supplements for that. Otherwise everything is going good! I have gained 22 pounds so far...which is pretty average I guess. I still feel huge though! :) This weekend I will have my first baby shower and I will post pictures of that next week! It is a double shower for me and Jen...a girl/boy shower for Vince and Scout that should be fun! Looking forward to it!

I also just wanted to take a second to tell everyone how proud I am of Tennessee. I have probably driven my husband and people here in Texas crazy with the constant email updates and pictures of the flood damage but I don't care. Tennessee will always be my home and right now there is a lot of devastation there so I am getting the word out since the media seems to be more worried about the bomb that "almost" went off in New York.  Things are a mess there right now..billions of dollars worth of damage...people lost everything...more deaths being reported as water goes down...and people still trying to contact family members from out of state. It is really sad. I feel very helpless here and my heart goes out to all my family and friends and those people who have been directly affected by this. People have really come together to help each other and that makes me proud. I hear different stories everyday from family and friends about different rescues, or how someone donated this or that to someone, people who didn't loose their homes giving up work vacation days to help out a neighbor, people lending their bathrooms and showers to those who still don't have electricity or water. It says a lot for a state that can pull together in a time of need like that. That is what should happen. I am posting a part of an article about Nashville that came out a couple days ago at the end of this blog. Please continue to pray for the victims there. If you wish to make any donations (clothes, money, ect.) let me know. Thanks!

"If you live outside of Nashville, you may not be aware, but our city was hit by a 500-year flood over the last few days. The national news coverage gave us 15 minutes, but went back to focusing on a failed car bomb and an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. While both are clearly important stories, was that any reason to ignore our story?
The Cumberland River crested at its highest level in over 80 years. Nashville had its highest rainfall totals since records began. People drowned…It is the single largest disaster to hit Middle Tennessee since the Civil War. And yet…no one knows about it.
It seems bizarre that no one seems to be aware that we just experienced what is quite probably the costliest non-hurricane disaster in American history. The funds to rebuild will have to come from somewhere, which is why people need to know. It’s hard to believe that we will receive much relief if there isn’t a perception that we need it.
A large part of the reason that we are being ignored is because of who we are. Think about that for just a second. Did you hear about looting? Did you hear about crime sprees? No…you didn’t. You heard about people pulling their neighbors off of rooftops. You saw a group of people trying to move two horses to higher ground. No…we didn’t loot."


  1. I think it's absolutely ridiculous that we haven't heard more about this and I'm glad you are keeping us all in the loop. I have gone online and read some stuff on it and have been shocked to see all the damage. It is really heartwarming to see everyone pulling together to help each other out and that is probably exactly why we haven't heard very much about this. The news is so full of hate and terrible things that people do to each other that I guess there is no room for the good. Can't wait to see you guys this weekend and glad everything is great with Scout so far. :)

  2. I am starting to hear more about the flooding and FOX admits that there wasn't adequate coverage - a start I guess. Your family and friends are in our prayers. I'm glad everything looks good so far. We'll keep our fingers crossed for no C-section! Can't wait to see new pictures of Scout.
