
Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day and 11 months

  I hope all the wonderful Dad's out there had an extra special Father's Day. We spent the day going to church, waiting entirely too long for a table to eat lunch, swimming, jumping on the trampoline, and then relaxing in the air conditioned house. It was a good day, but we were all exhausted by the end.


I want to say a special Happy Daddy Day to my wonderful husband! Kris is such a great Dad to both Kamden and Scout. He is very selfless when it comes to taking care of the kids and he is very good at acting excited and interested in things even when he isn't :).  He is a great role model for Kamden and he always makes time to do fun things with him no matter how little time there may be. Scout lights up every time he is around and he is usually the only one she gives kisses too. She adores him already and I love to watch him snuggle with her. I feel blessed to get to raise my baby girl with him. (and any other future babies we may be blessed with.)  I love you Kris and I am thankful I get to go on this crazy journey with you!

I am also blessed with an amazing Daddy myself. My Dad has always been there for me, my mom, and my sisters. He has had to put out quite a few fires over the years living in a house full of women, but he always managed to stay calm and didn't go crazy no matter how difficult we were at times. ( I am sure it helped that he grew up with 5 sisters!!) He taught us discipline, how important it is to work hard and not be lazy, honesty, and the importance of putting God first and living in Christ to the best of our ability. He is a wonderful man and I am lucky to call him my Dad!
This is a picture of me and Dad when I was about 18 months old.
How awesome is that hat?

                           I also want to say Happy Father's Day to my  Papaw and Grandaddy!!! I miss you both and can't wait to see you in a few weeks!

Also Happy Fathers Day  to Papa Les, and Daddy Mike! I hope you all had a great, relaxing Father's Day!

 Scout turned 11 months on the 16th. If there was one word to describe her right now it's busy!  I swear if I had half her energy I would be in the greatest shape ever! ( demonstrated in the video below) She is always on the move these days and she is pulling up on everything! She has two teeth on the bottom and I think she might have one popping through on the top but she will not let me see it. She is talking like crazy and it is SO FUNNY! She has all these different inflections in her voice and whatever it is she is talking about she is very adamant about it! She had several conversations with Kamden this weekend that were cracking us all up! She also puts her hand over her ear now and pretends she is talking on the phone. It's pretty hysterical. We weren't sure what she was doing at first but now we know...if you look at her and go "hello?" she immediately puts her hand over her ear and starts jabbering. So cute! Her hair just keeps getting lighter. We have been going to the pool quite a bit and I think that might be making her hair even lighter. Her hair is very blonde and her eyes are very blue.So....yep...Kris is in trouble! :) She is so much fun and everyday her little personality develops more and more! I am making plans for her first birthday party which will be on July 16th. Wow! This time last year I was so uncomfortable, hot, and counting down the days till she arrived. I am so blessed to be her Mommy. She makes us so happy!

You can see her two teeth!

She loves her rocking horse :)

We are definitely sporting the Pebbles look these days.

I call this one.."Two Teeth"

We had our Summer Spectacular at church this week! Scout LOVED it!!!

Check out those deltoids! :)

Long Day...

This is what sunscreen hair looks like! :)

 We are leaving for Tennessee next week and while we are there Kamden will be making his first appearance playing his guitar on the radio. I will post more about it later but he is pretty excited! I took some pictures for his bio today of him with his guitar. They turned out pretty good I think!

I want to say congrats to my cousin Eli for getting baptized on Sunday by my Dad. Such a special day and I wish we could have been there. I  also want to congratulate him for making Baseball All Stars! He has worked very hard and is very committed to baseball! Way to go Eli!!!! So happy for you!!!

They have started building our house!! I will post pictures later. We are very excited! Also congrats to our friends Ryan and April Smith! It's a BOY!!!

There are three recent videos of scout below that are pretty funny! I tried to get them all in one post but I could never figure it out so you will have to scroll down to older posts. I guess that's it for now. Have a great night!

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