
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hello Summer!

    This will be a lengthy update. It's been really busy around here and I haven't had a chance to update anything. I love Summertime!!  Tomorrow morning after my two hour work out...I plan on laying in the sun for a little while and soaking up some rays at the pool before picking up Scout. Our Summer is going to be super busy, (as usual) with trips, weddings, birthdays, and babies!  Thats on top of work and all the other typical things that are always going on. It will be a lot of fun though.  It's exhausting just thinking about it, but tomorrow I am going to enjoy some me time. (if my crazy allergies don't give me fits like they have all week). Scout loves the pool! She is a little unsure of it the first few minutes, but once she does she is as happy as she can be. She loves the water!  She also likes to squeal at the kids around us jumping in and out of the pool. That makes her very excited! I predict we will  be spending a lot of time swimming this Summer.

  My sweet Uncle Bob passed away last week. He will be missed terribly, but he is no longer suffering. There is a link to his Obituary below. My family just got back from Michigan today and my Mom said that there were people lined out the door for his funeral. I think it says a lot about your character, and the influence you have had on peoples lives when so many people show up to pay their respects. He was a very special man. Please continue to pray for my Aunt Bev. She has been through so much lately.

Aunt Bev and Uncle Bob at our wedding in September of 2009
  Scout will be 11 months old next week. I can't believe it's almost been a year. I really can't. On Saturday we will be going to her cousin, Vince's first birthday party. He and Scout are so close in age and it feels like they were born..I blinked...and they turn one. It really does fly by!  We took Scout to see the pediatric urologist on Tuesday to discuss her kidney reflux. We have decided to not put her on any antibiotics at this time since she has only had one infection in 10 months and she is only a grade 2 bilaterally. The Dr. left it up to us, but we feel like holding off on the antibiotic for now is the right thing to do. If she doesn't get any more infections then we will do all the testing again a year from now (ultra sound, and VCUG) to determine if her kidneys are growing normally and to re-evaluate the status of her kidney reflux. If she gets another infection before then we will have to likely start the antibiotic. So we are praying she stays infection free and eventually grows out of the reflux. Otherwise she is doing great! She has one tooth on the bottom that she WILL NOT let you touch or see, and she is crawling everywhere quite quickly! She is so curious about things and she points at everything and everyone. People love it! We will be walking in a restaurant or at church and she will point and smile at a complete stranger. She is such a funny girl! She makes us laugh all the time. She loves to roll her ball back and fourth and play with her stuffed animals. She is so much fun but I am trying to remember what it was like when she would sit in one place and play. She navigates the whole house now and there is no such thing as sitting in one place anymore. She's got places to go and things to see :)
   I will just end with a bunch of pictures summing up our last couple of weeks. They are mostly from Memorial Day weekend. We had a great Memorial Day and hope you all did as well!! We are going to the Lake this weekend so I will post pics of that and Vince's birthday party later on. Have a wonderful night!!

Kamden performing the song he wrote

Swimming wears a girl out! :)

My pretty baby girl!

On Sunday we went to Kim and Shane's and Scout got to meet Bowen for the first  time.
He was such a sweet, sweet baby! Good job Kim and Shane :) He's a cutie!

Matt and Scout

Loved the watermelon :)

Scout playing with Matt's dog, Macy

Redneck swimming pool :)

Watching the Mavs play with Daddy

GO MAVS!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Always love reading your blog. So sorry to hear about your uncle and you're right, a long line out the door shows the true character of a man. I saw that same line w/ my uncle 2 years ago and it was amazing.
    I'll keep praying for sweet Scout and her kidneys, she's just so precious! Hope to hang out with y'all soon.
    GO MAVS!!!
