
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Hope everyone had a great weekend! I had to work on Saturday for a while but spent the rest of my time hanging out with Kris and "little miss busy!" We went to the pool a couple of times, church today, and just hung out around the house being entertained by Scout :) It was a good weekend. My work week is always so unpredictable and I sometimes have days that I leave for work and Scout is still asleep and by the time I get home it is time to eat dinner, take a bath, and wind down for bed. So weekends are special.  We try to go to the pool at Lifetime 2-3 times a week to get Scout comfortable in the water. I think it took all of two trips total and she was hooked! She squeals like a little pig every time we open the door from the locker room to the pool. It cracks me up!  On Wednesday we leave for Tennessee. I am so looking forward to seeing me family!!! We are going to celebrate Scout's first birthday and the 4th of July! Should be lots of fun! Hopefully Scout will do okay in the car. This is the first time she has made the long drive since she was 4 months old and she is a lot busier now. :) Hopefully the dvd player will help. We are driving through the night on Wednesday so the kids should sleep on the way. (hopefully). Scout is getting really close to walking...she can stand on her own without holding on to anything for several seconds and she pulls up on everything constantly!  She jabbers all the time and can she can say ball, baby, and book (or something kind of like it). She loves to roll her ball around all over the house and she tries so hard to dribble :) It's really funny! She definitely keeps us busy but she is so much fun!!
There are a few more videos below and a picture of our house so far. It's really coming along and we are excited! There is definitely some stress involved...but we are excited regardless.

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